Inclusive Vienna 2030

Project role


In the programme 2030 the Fonds Soziales Wien (FSW) outlines its long-term strategy regarding provisions for people with disabilities. The programme development is a joint effort by many bodies of the municipality of Vienna. The FSW sets a high value on the participation of persons with disabilities in this development process.

"Inclusive Vienna 2030" aims at the following:

  • Definition of strategic goals, improvement and further development of provisions for persons with disabilities based on the UN Disability Rights Convention
  • Development of a strategic long-term orientation for the work with people with disabilities
  • Decision on measures and projects that are inclusive and take into account the needs of the users
  • Participative design of the entire programme 2030 process


queraum supports the project "Programme 2023" mainly in two fields: Participation of persons with disabilities and design/implementation of participation approaches:

  • External view and innovative ideas for the implementation of the participative process
  • Organisation and facilitation of the participation process
  • Additional expertise regarding the participation and involvement of persons with disabilities – especially persons with learning disabilities and mental health problems
  • Know-how regarding digital participation
  • Quality assurance by documentation and prioritisation of user and staff feedback
  • Support of the project team