Implementation of FEM Med

Women's health infopoint and platform

Working areas
Project role


The project „FEM Med – Women's health infopoint and platform“ consists of four elements:

  • In Favoriten, a district of Vienna, a new information centre for health related issues will be implemented.
  • A health network will be set up in the district.
  • Provisions for preventive medical checkups will be offered.
  • In addition, gender medicine competence will be built-up in the district by education, training and awareness measures.

The process- and outcome-oriented Evaluation by queraum has two main objectives:

  1. The success of the project will be assessed on the basis of pre-defined criteria.
  2. The project team will be supported to generate insights and knowledge from the evaluation results.


The project team will be supported by information exchange and the joint reflection of the project implementation process. This includes a kick-off workshop, the development of an impact model, a reflection meeting to discuss interim results and a final workshop.

To assess gains and impacts of the project, qualitative and quantitative methods will be applied, i.e.

  • users: cases analyses and questionnaires
  • internal stakeholders: focus groups
  • partners: interviews
  • participants in the trainings etc.: feedback questionnaires

In addition, the project team will be supported with the internal documentation. At the planned public event, the project team will carry out participant observation.

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