Unsere Projekte zum Thema Climate and Sustainability


Climate and Sustainability

Climate protection and sustainability are core issues of many of our projects. We advocate for the visibility of the interconnection of environmental and social issues: How are climate protection and health promotion related? What conditions are needed for active mobility? How can vulnerable population groups lead good and sustainable lives? Do they have the possibilities to participate in the further development of our society? Or for example: How can older and younger generations work (together) for the future of our planet?

The "Trialog" aims to strengthen health and climate competence of young people, youth workers and municipalities with specific methods. queraum works on the planning and implementation of the sets of methods.


The project aimed to integrate the combination of health literacy and sustainability into the field of open youth work in Austria.


The study aimed to shed light on the opportunities of vulnerable people for a ecologically sustainable lifestyle. It was planned and carried out together with the inclusive research group Human Rights.


The "Trialog" aims to strengthen health and climate competence of young people, youth workers and municipalities with specific methods. queraum works on the planning and implementation of the sets of methods.


The study aimed to shed light on the opportunities of vulnerable people for a ecologically sustainable lifestyle. It was planned and carried out together with the inclusive research group Human Rights.


The project aimed to integrate the combination of health literacy and sustainability into the field of open youth work in Austria.