Agentur Sonnenklar


Department disability, mobility and counseling of the Fonds Soziales Wien

Project role


The Fonds Soziales Wien commissioned an evaluation of the Agentur Sonnenklar / Drehscheibe Peerstreitschlichtung to obtain an insight into the project.

The Agentur Sonnenklar deals with institutional violence in daycare centers for people with disabilities in Vienna. Inclusive workshops for customers, staff and facility managers are carried out by the Agentur Sonnenklar. At the same time, the Agentur is a knowledge base for institutional violence and peer mediation (Drehscheibe Peerstreitschlichtung). In the course of the project, ten persons (customers of daycare facilities) have been trained as peer-mediators to offer peer mediation services in daycare facilities.

The objectives of the evaluation were manifold: The organization of the workshops, the cooperation of the relevant stakeholders and the peer mediation service are researched into. A special focus is on the usability and relevance of the workshops for their participants. The effects, sustainability and the possible improvements of the project were evaluated as well as the impact of COVID-19.


In each of the three research phases 12 qualitative interviews with workshop participants were carried out (project team, staff, customers and managers of daycare facilities). After two research phases, feedback workshops were carried out. In these feedback workshops, representatives of the Fonds Soziales Wien, the Agentur Sonnenklar and the peer mediators discussed the preliminary results of the evaluation. The third and last research phase was realized with the managers of the daycare facility providers, the centre of attention being institutional change.