The "Initiative Healthy Apprentice 2.0“ aimed at developing and strengthening the health resources of apprentices. In addition, the young people were supported to improve their health literacy and start a healthy working life after their apprenticeship.
The project activities were implemented in two fields:
- Healthy apprentices: The young people were supported to strengthen their health compentences and their health literacy. A toolbox with interactive teaching material was comprised.
- Healthy vocational school: Systematic health prevention at the school. The change processes aimed at the development of a healthy working and learning environment for all people at the school.
All activities focused these objectives:
- raise awareness for personal responsibility regarding health
- strengthen self-confidence and motivation
- improve the understanding of the role of physical activity and nutrition for your health
- improve coordination and ergonomic kinesic behaviour
- promote knowledge of the security and risks in the working environment
The working and learning environment "vocational school“ was organized in a way to promote the health of all.
The external evaluation supported the project team threefold:
- guidance for the project team
- evaluation of the project implementation process
- evaluation of the results
The external evaluation supported the project team in the specification of the project aims and the reflection to the project implementation. The evaluation team monitored the project implementation process in order to optimize implementation and secure the achievement of objectives. The activities were reviewed with regard to their achievements and effectiveness and the project activities were monitored.
A kick-off workshop and regular workshops with the project team were carried out. Furthermore, a before-after survey with the apprentices, qualitative peer-interviews by apprentices themselves, focus groups with school staff and a survey on trainings were conducted.