Evaluation of the EQUAL-Partnership "Improve – Quality in competition & social and job market policy services"



The development partnership (DP) was initiated in order to help maintaining an efficient social economy. Following aims were persued:

  • Securing and improving the conditions of employment and work for people in the area of job market and social policy under the conditions of cartel proceedings.
  • Increasing the ability to compete in order to be able to survive against the growing economical and international competition.
  • Securing and improving the quality of job market and social policy services for disadvantaged persons (customers).

Furthermore, the work of the DP was intended to contribute to increasing and further developing the specialist competence and the openness to dialogue of the general system in order to obtain and job market social policy services.

Implementation of the evaluation

As operative partner organisation, queraum. cultural and social research was responsible for the evaluation. The evaluation team supported the development partnership at three levels: at the level of the entire development partnership, the individual modules and the transnational partnership.

The individual methods of evaluation (workshops, interviews, written interviews, self-reflexion,…) were orientated towards processes and products of the development partnerships and their individual modules.

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