Evaluation of "Health consequences of violence“

Working areas
Project role


Within the project funded by the Fonds Gesundes Österreich and Steiermärkischen Krankenanstaltenges.m.b.H (KAGes) 16 experts of organisations offering protection to abused women and employees of the KAGes are trained to act as trainers for 224 health professionals (e.g. doctors, nurses, social workers, midwifes and psychologists). The aim is to raise awareness for the issue in hospital and improve the quality of care for victims.

Implementation of the evaluation

queraum. cultural and social research was given the task to carry out an accompanying evaluation of the project. The aim is to evaluate

  • the train-the-trainer-seminars,
  • the training courses for 224 health professionals,
  • whether the cooperation between hospitals and ambulant structures has been improved,
  • whether the project partners managed to encourage accompanying structures in hospitals in order to improve the quality of care for victims.

The focus of the project is put on the verification of the effectiveness of the project. Both qualitative and quantitative methods of research are being used (e.g. feedback sheets, quantitative surveys and qualitative surveys). Furthermore, the implementers of the project are supported regularly in reflecting and optimising the process and planning further steps.

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