Ulrike Fleischanderl

Portrait Ulrike Fleischanderl

Studies of Sociology
Universität Wien

Studies of Social Ecology
Universität Klagenfurt / BOKU Wien

Ulrike Fleischanderl

Email: fleischanderl@queraum.org
Phone: +43-1-958 09 11

Work and research focus

Participative health promotion projects, projects that promote equality and inclusion of disadvantaged groups, volunteering, training experience, evaluation

Portrait Ulrike Fleischanderl
Ulrike Fleischanderl

Email: fleischanderl@queraum.org
Phone: +43-1-958 09 11

Work and research focus

Participative health promotion projects, projects that promote equality and inclusion of disadvantaged groups, volunteering, training experience, evaluation

Studies of Sociology
Universität Wien

Studies of Social Ecology
Universität Klagenfurt / BOKU Wien