Active 80+

Valueing and valorizing the knowledge and skills of people 80+


European Commission, Erasmus+

Working areas
Project role


Since the access to the social and public environment of very old people is often limited, professionals and volunteers working with them belong to their most important contact persons. Their support in detecting or re-developing hidden strengths of very old people they are involved with and their encouragement of older people to engage in meaningful activities can be crucial in providing access to learning and ensuring greater independence and enjoyment of later life.


Active 80+ involves partner organisations in five European countries: queraum. cultural and social research (AT), Austrian Red Cross (AT), ISIS – Institut für Soziale Infrastruktur (DE), Lunaria (IT), Oudere Vrouwen Netwerk (NL), Seniors Initiatives Center (LT).


The Active 80+ project aims at developing and testing a research-based training for care staff and volunteers, enabling them to function as coaches for people at high age. Using methods and tools of the training, the coaches will support older people in developing and realizing their own ideas of learning and active citizenship. Furthermore, extensive dissemination, involving the press and other media at local, regional, national and European level, aims at raising awareness on the potentials of very old people.