Bridge the Gap

Strengthen the social and digital participation of older people together

Project role


The ERASMUS+ project "Bridge the Gap!" wants to find creative and sustainable ways to strengthen the autonomy and the social and digital participation of older people – together with older people. In the project, older people are empowered and strengthened to explore their cities and neighbourhoods and co-create age-friendly environments with the help of digital tools. "Bridge the Gap!" aims to reach interested older people and practitioners in (local) initiatives and organisations that work with older target groups.


In the project, a factsheet that discusses the social and digital participation of older people and presents inspiring examples of participation is developed. In addition, a training curriculum will be the basis of the training implementation in the participating countries. The training kit will provide the methods, the learnings and the practical tipps collected in the project. All experiences and results of the project are edited and provided for free as e-learning material.

The project and the training provisions will be implemented in five European countries. The project partners are ISIS (project coordination, Germany), Lunaria (Italy), AFEdemy (Netherlands), Seniors Initiatives Centre (Lithuania) und queraum (Austria).