Inclusive Caring Communities

How can the inclusion of people with disabilities in the community be improved?



The participative and inclusive research project Inclusive Caring Communities revolved around two questions: What is needed for the successful inclusion of people with disabilities in the community? How can organisations working with/for people with disabilities and people with disabilities themselves be a driving force in the development of inclusive communities? The project tried to answer these questions, provide new, inclusive impulses for the two communities that were researched and contribute to a more diverse and comprehensive understanding of Caring Communities.

Inclusive Caring Communities was a cooperation of three research partners: queraum, Forschungsbüro Menschenrechte von LebensGroß and University of Graz.


The implementation was carried out in four phases:

Planning and preparation: In this phase, we specified the objectives and target groups, developed the research design and research and analysed data on the two districts of Graz.

Research: In this phase, the research team (queraum and Forschungsbüro Menschenrechte) carried out the participative research in the two communities. A range of research methods was applied.

Development: The results of the previous phases were analysed. The locally specific results were transformed into general propositions for the further development of inclusive Caring Communities.

Transfer: Interim results were transferred to the public (stakeholders, researchers etc.) during the entire research process. The main transfer took place at the end of the project.