The aim of the project “Mentoring macht Mut - Mentoring als psychosoziales Angebot für benachteiligte Kinder an Wiener Schulen”, funded by the Fonds Gesundes Österreich and the Ministry of Social Affairs, is to establish mentoring for children in elementary school. To this end, partnerships are being established with psychagogics at the Rudolf Ekstein Center and elementary schools in Vienna. A total of 50 tandems of children from vulnerable, stressful family situations and volunteer mentors will be started during the project period. In addition, numerous information and networking activities as well as training courses for psychosocial professionals in schools will take place.
The aim of the evaluation is to assess the process quality, output and outcomes of the project. Based on reflections with the project team and external project participants (e.g. Rudolf-Ekstein Center) as well as qualitative and quantitative surveys of the target groups (children, parents, mentors, psychagogics, directors), the achievement of the objectives is reflected upon, factors that promote and hinder the achievement are collected and learning experiences are derived.