Focus on: Movement



International studies show that chronic illnesses that are directly linked to health behavior are on the rise among kids and young people in Austria. The project "Movement in focus“ was developed by the Institut für Frauen- und Männergesundheit. It aimed to inspire and empower young people to live healthier lives.

The young participants were made familiar with different sports and learned about the relation between an active lifestyle and other health aspects. The project targeted young people between 12 and 18 in out-of-school provisions. In addition, staff of youth, education and sport organizations were offered specific trainings.

The objectives of the project were e,g. empowerment and inspiration for a healthy lifestyle, getting in contact with different sports, increase sport activities, learning about the relation between sport and other health aspects, sustainable use of new provisions, more public awareness


The evaluation focused on the assess the achievement of the project objectives. At the beginning, a detailed list of objectives was developed together with the project team. During the evaluation process, reflection workshops with the project team, a survey with young participants and participatory observation were carried out. In addition, telephone interviews with staff members of participating organizations provided insights into the quality of the cooperation, possibilities for improvement and possible benefits of the project. The training participants were also asked for their feedback about the trainings provided by the project.