The health promotion project "Healthy Parks" is part of the WiG programme "Healthy Districts". It aims at
- making the parks of Vienna a healthy environment for children and young people,
- increasing the level knowledge in health promotion,
- building networks and partnerships and
- raising awareness.
The project aims to reach two target groups: children and young people in out-of-school activities (boys and girls between 6 and 13) and staff members of Vienna based NGOs or other organisations working in the field of leisure education.
"Healthy Parks" is implemented by a partnership of several organisations: Kinderfreunde Wien, Leopoldstadt and Brigittenau, IFEP – Institut für Erlebnispädagogik and the Askö-Landesverband WAT.
queraum. cultural and social research is responsible for coordination and management. Based on the objectives, the project plan comprises the following activities:
- participative development and implementation of health promoting activities together with children and young people in various parks in the seven "Healthy Districts"
- implementation of a training series for the participating organisations and training courses for cooperation partners
- establishment of a networking and development platform to strengthen the partnership; this platform will also develop the publication "Healthy Parks: Experiences & Recommendations"
- awareness raising and information: PR activities
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