Step-by-Step Guide for developing interactive walks
The manual provides a step-by-step guide for developing Actionbound tours. It can be used in trainings with older learners but also independently by tour developers.
For us, public space is at the same time built and social space. In our projects we advocate structural and social conditions that allow persons of all ages to use and participate in public space without barriers. Above all, public space is a space of movement. Thus, we strongly support the self-determined, health promoting and active mobility of all different target groups.
The manual provides a step-by-step guide for developing Actionbound tours. It can be used in trainings with older learners but also independently by tour developers.
The SEE U Handbook summarises some of the experiences with the development and learning processes of older learners as well as some of the results of these processes – the walking tours. With examples and statements of the participants.
This publication is a result of the project „Wir bewegen was!“ (We move it!). In three Austrian cities, the project facilitated the dialogue between politics/administration and young people. Together, these stakeholders developed projects that inspire young inhabitants to be actively mobile.
These guidelines provide an overview of the various elements that contribute to the feeling of security or insecurity in public space. (German only)
In Tactical Mobilism, temporary, easy and cheap interventions were realized in Villach to transform public mobility spaces. The ToolBox Manual is a knowledge base and handbook for similar projects. (German only)
This collection provides a variety of methods for the participative work with young people in and on the city. (German only)