Unsere Projekte zum Thema Participation



The participation and co-design of the (social) environment together with our target groups is highly relevant to our work on volunteering, political participation, health promotion and inclusion. All our work processes (development, implementation, research, evaluation) are designed to be as participative as possible in order to make relevant and sustainable changes to the status quo.

The project wants to promote constructive communication about climate change and sustainability with and among older people.


This participative, inclusive research project will contribute to a better inclusion of people with disabilities and a more comprehensive and diverse understanding of Caring Communities.


Miscarriages are still a taboo in our society. Interviews with women concerned will be used to create an awareness campaign on the issue.


In the programme 2030 the Fonds Soziales Wien outlines its long-term strategy regarding provisions for people with disabilities. queraum supports the FSW team in the programme development with expertise in participation (of people with disabilities).


The project allows young people to be part of democratic processes in the 22nd district of Vienna.


Commissioned by the Fonds Soziales Wien, queraum carried out an evaluation of the project Agentur Sonnenklar / Drehscheibe Peerstreitschlichtung.


In this Erasmus+ project older people are trained and empowered to co-create their neighbourhoods with the help of digital tools.


The “City Challenge“ and the “Youth Health Conference” are two types of activities for young people in the programme “Healthy Districts” of the Wiener Gesundheitsförderung.


The project is about researching social spaces of New Middle Schools and communities in the 22nd district of Vienna. Students and professional researchers will investigate these questions jointly.


Social integration/inclusion remains one of the main challenges in schools. The project wants to generate knowledge that contributes to foster social cohesion and "successful inclusion" in schools.


The Competence centre for the future of health promotion develops a road map for the promotion of mental health of young people. queraum was responsible for the participation of young people in the development of the road map.



The aim of the project was to train and empower older people to explore their neighbourhood with the help of digital tools.


The study aimed to shed light on the opportunities of vulnerable people for a ecologically sustainable lifestyle. It was planned and carried out together with the inclusive research group Human Rights.


In the project, new approaches to healthy ageing in the city are developed and tested. queraum accompanies the project with health promotion know-how.


This EU project brought together older people from four cities, celebrated age and ageing in the public space, cultivating good neighbourhoods and contributions across generations.


The project was dedicated to the development of young people’s political competences and to the improvement of participation opportunities in the 22nd district of Vienna.


The Viennese Model of youth health conferences is a proven method of health promotion together with young people. The conferences are implemented by the Institut für Frauen- und Männergesundheit and queraum.


The project asks how towns must be shaped, so that young people can enjoy an active urban mobility and move around affordably, independently, environmentally friendly and healthy.



queraum supports the initiators of small local health promotion projects to develop their ideas, reflect on the potential of their projects and to apply for funding.


The initiative "Auf gesunde Nachbarschaft!" of the Fonds Gesundes Österreich aims to raise awareness for the health promoting effects of functioning neighbourhoods and inspire people to set up projects in and for their neighbourhoods. queraum supports the FGÖ in the implementation of the initiative.


The project wants to promote constructive communication about climate change and sustainability with and among older people.


The Competence centre for the future of health promotion develops a road map for the promotion of mental health of young people. queraum was responsible for the participation of young people in the development of the road map.



This participative, inclusive research project will contribute to a better inclusion of people with disabilities and a more comprehensive and diverse understanding of Caring Communities.


The aim of the project was to train and empower older people to explore their neighbourhood with the help of digital tools.


Miscarriages are still a taboo in our society. Interviews with women concerned will be used to create an awareness campaign on the issue.


The study aimed to shed light on the opportunities of vulnerable people for a ecologically sustainable lifestyle. It was planned and carried out together with the inclusive research group Human Rights.


In the programme 2030 the Fonds Soziales Wien outlines its long-term strategy regarding provisions for people with disabilities. queraum supports the FSW team in the programme development with expertise in participation (of people with disabilities).


In the project, new approaches to healthy ageing in the city are developed and tested. queraum accompanies the project with health promotion know-how.


The project allows young people to be part of democratic processes in the 22nd district of Vienna.


This EU project brought together older people from four cities, celebrated age and ageing in the public space, cultivating good neighbourhoods and contributions across generations.


Commissioned by the Fonds Soziales Wien, queraum carried out an evaluation of the project Agentur Sonnenklar / Drehscheibe Peerstreitschlichtung.


The project was dedicated to the development of young people’s political competences and to the improvement of participation opportunities in the 22nd district of Vienna.


In this Erasmus+ project older people are trained and empowered to co-create their neighbourhoods with the help of digital tools.


The Viennese Model of youth health conferences is a proven method of health promotion together with young people. The conferences are implemented by the Institut für Frauen- und Männergesundheit and queraum.


The “City Challenge“ and the “Youth Health Conference” are two types of activities for young people in the programme “Healthy Districts” of the Wiener Gesundheitsförderung.


The project asks how towns must be shaped, so that young people can enjoy an active urban mobility and move around affordably, independently, environmentally friendly and healthy.



The project is about researching social spaces of New Middle Schools and communities in the 22nd district of Vienna. Students and professional researchers will investigate these questions jointly.


queraum supports the initiators of small local health promotion projects to develop their ideas, reflect on the potential of their projects and to apply for funding.


Social integration/inclusion remains one of the main challenges in schools. The project wants to generate knowledge that contributes to foster social cohesion and "successful inclusion" in schools.


The initiative "Auf gesunde Nachbarschaft!" of the Fonds Gesundes Österreich aims to raise awareness for the health promoting effects of functioning neighbourhoods and inspire people to set up projects in and for their neighbourhoods. queraum supports the FGÖ in the implementation of the initiative.