Encouraging and recognising the contributions of people 80+

Project role


To allow older men and women to experience learning, participation and recognition, it is very important that their talents and contributions are visible. The overall objective of the project inVISIBLE TALENTS! is to support health and social service providers in residential and/or community settings as well as citizens' initiatives working with very old people in self-assessing the status-quo of participation and engagement opportunities in their organisation and developing concrete actions that promote engagement of the target groups and make talents visible.


In a factsheet we inform about the project, raise awareness for the issue and inspire relevant organisations to join the self-assessment and implement activities to make older people's talents visible. Tools for organisations to self-assess their status-quo of engagement opportunities and develop concrete actions that promote the active involvement of their target groups will be developed and tested. With a brochure we will make visible experiences gained by organisations. The E-presentation will provide background information, inspirational examples and practical tools to support the visibility of older people's talents in their community and in organisations.

The project involves partner organisations in five European countries: queraum. cultural and social research (Austria), ISIS Sozialforschung | Sozialplanung | Politikberatung (Germany), Lunaria (Italy), Stichting Bij de Tijd (Netherlands), Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania). Furthermore, the project is supported by AGE Platform Europe.