Unsere Projekte zum Thema Volunteering



Meaningful and fulfilling voluntary work needs adequate framework conditions. We want to contribute to such conditions – providing voluntary work that fits the needs and competences of the volunteers. We specifically advocate self-determined participation in local voluntary initiatives.

This EU project brought together older people from four cities, celebrated age and ageing in the public space, cultivating good neighbourhoods and contributions across generations.


queraum supports the initiators of small local health promotion projects to develop their ideas, reflect on the potential of their projects and to apply for funding.


The EU project wants to support health and social service providers in residential and/or community settings as well as citizens' initiatives to see and include the talents of older people into their work.


The initiative "Auf gesunde Nachbarschaft!" of the Fonds Gesundes Österreich aims to raise awareness for the health promoting effects of functioning neighbourhoods and inspire people to set up projects in and for their neighbourhoods. queraum supports the FGÖ in the implementation of the initiative.


This EU project brought together older people from four cities, celebrated age and ageing in the public space, cultivating good neighbourhoods and contributions across generations.


The EU project wants to support health and social service providers in residential and/or community settings as well as citizens' initiatives to see and include the talents of older people into their work.


queraum supports the initiators of small local health promotion projects to develop their ideas, reflect on the potential of their projects and to apply for funding.


The initiative "Auf gesunde Nachbarschaft!" of the Fonds Gesundes Österreich aims to raise awareness for the health promoting effects of functioning neighbourhoods and inspire people to set up projects in and for their neighbourhoods. queraum supports the FGÖ in the implementation of the initiative.