Selected publications


The publication brings together the experiences made in the project AGEING IN OUR MIDST that was carried out between 2021 and 2024. In four Austrian cities, measures for active ageing have been implemented, new networks established. The handbook provides information and inspiration about these processes and invites you to make cities age-friendly.


This booklet supports adults – parents, teachers, youth workers etc. – and young people in their joint analysis and discussion of (media) body images.


The Handbook provides a lively insight into the two years of the Dreamlike Neighbourhood project. The Online Resource-Kit presents methods and activities developed and tested with the senior participants of the project.


This publication is a result of the project „Wir bewegen was!“ (We move it!). In three Austrian cities, the project facilitated the dialogue between politics/administration and young people. Together, these stakeholders developed projects that inspire young inhabitants to be actively mobile.


This collection provides a variety of methods for the participative work with young people in and on the city. (German only)


The Handbook addresses institutions, organisations and companies responsible for or having an impact in the designing and shaping of public spaces and providing services to older citizens.


In the „Auf gesunde Nachbarschaft!“ projects, a variety of strategies and tools to promote health and social inclusion have been  tested. The Handbook contributes to the successful implementation of health promotion at the local level. The Brochure targets people who are interested in neighbourhoods, their development and support. (German only)


This publication has been issued by the Austrian Labour Market Service (AMS) as a contribution to the "European Year of Equal Opportunities for All". The brochure The publication is based on interviews with 15 disabled women. (German only)


This manual supports senior citizens in developing their own projects in the field of volunteering. It provides information on project management, literature and links and an insight into the practical experience of older volunteers. (German only)


In the Portraits publication, 21 persons with a learning disability talk about their (dream) jobs. The booklet provides inspiration and advice on how to design job counseling settings for and with persons with learning disabilities. (German only)


The study aimed to gain insight into the social realities of vulnerable people with regard to their chances to lead a sustainable life. The recommendations developed in the study focus the political-societal level as well as the level of organizations/institutions.


41 percent of all persons living in housing facilities for persons with disabilities are over 50 – and the number is growing. The study Inclusive Ageing is dedicated to this target group. The final report is also available in an easy-to-read version. (German only)


In Tactical Mobilism, temporary, easy and cheap interventions were realized in Villach to transform public mobility spaces. The ToolBox Manual is a knowledge base and handbook for similar projects. (German only)


The project inVISIBLE TALENTS! aimed to make the talents of older and very old people (more) visible and enhance thus the social participation of the older generation.


The major focus of this study was to research systematically into violence against persons with disabilities  and to identify risk/protection factors and prevention/support measures. (German only)


These guidelines show (future) police staff different concepts of age(ing), inspire to reflect upon age(ing) and raise awareness for the interaction and communication with old people. (German only)


The publication provides an insight into the basic issues of health promotion. (German only)


In the brochure, ten portraits of older volunteers are collected. They give an insight into their work and motivations and tell us about the benefits of voluntary work. The handbook targets local communities in enhancing the participation of older men and women. (German only)


These guidelines aim to raise awareness for the importance of mobility in older age. The guidelines were commissioned by the Austrian Ministry of Social Affairs and show how contribute to mobility-friendly environments. (German only)


This brochure provides an overview of various offers for the entry or re-entry into the job market for people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. (German only)


These guidelines provide an overview of the various elements that contribute to the feeling of security or insecurity in public space. (German only)


The publication brings together the experiences made in the project AGEING IN OUR MIDST that was carried out between 2021 and 2024. In four Austrian cities, measures for active ageing have been implemented, new networks established. The handbook provides information and inspiration about these processes and invites you to make cities age-friendly.


The study aimed to gain insight into the social realities of vulnerable people with regard to their chances to lead a sustainable life. The recommendations developed in the study focus the political-societal level as well as the level of organizations/institutions.


This booklet supports adults – parents, teachers, youth workers etc. – and young people in their joint analysis and discussion of (media) body images.


41 percent of all persons living in housing facilities for persons with disabilities are over 50 – and the number is growing. The study Inclusive Ageing is dedicated to this target group. The final report is also available in an easy-to-read version. (German only)


The Handbook provides a lively insight into the two years of the Dreamlike Neighbourhood project. The Online Resource-Kit presents methods and activities developed and tested with the senior participants of the project.


In Tactical Mobilism, temporary, easy and cheap interventions were realized in Villach to transform public mobility spaces. The ToolBox Manual is a knowledge base and handbook for similar projects. (German only)


This publication is a result of the project „Wir bewegen was!“ (We move it!). In three Austrian cities, the project facilitated the dialogue between politics/administration and young people. Together, these stakeholders developed projects that inspire young inhabitants to be actively mobile.


The project inVISIBLE TALENTS! aimed to make the talents of older and very old people (more) visible and enhance thus the social participation of the older generation.


This collection provides a variety of methods for the participative work with young people in and on the city. (German only)


The major focus of this study was to research systematically into violence against persons with disabilities  and to identify risk/protection factors and prevention/support measures. (German only)


The Handbook addresses institutions, organisations and companies responsible for or having an impact in the designing and shaping of public spaces and providing services to older citizens.


These guidelines show (future) police staff different concepts of age(ing), inspire to reflect upon age(ing) and raise awareness for the interaction and communication with old people. (German only)


In the „Auf gesunde Nachbarschaft!“ projects, a variety of strategies and tools to promote health and social inclusion have been  tested. The Handbook contributes to the successful implementation of health promotion at the local level. The Brochure targets people who are interested in neighbourhoods, their development and support. (German only)


The publication provides an insight into the basic issues of health promotion. (German only)


This publication has been issued by the Austrian Labour Market Service (AMS) as a contribution to the "European Year of Equal Opportunities for All". The brochure The publication is based on interviews with 15 disabled women. (German only)


In the brochure, ten portraits of older volunteers are collected. They give an insight into their work and motivations and tell us about the benefits of voluntary work. The handbook targets local communities in enhancing the participation of older men and women. (German only)


This manual supports senior citizens in developing their own projects in the field of volunteering. It provides information on project management, literature and links and an insight into the practical experience of older volunteers. (German only)


These guidelines aim to raise awareness for the importance of mobility in older age. The guidelines were commissioned by the Austrian Ministry of Social Affairs and show how contribute to mobility-friendly environments. (German only)


In the Portraits publication, 21 persons with a learning disability talk about their (dream) jobs. The booklet provides inspiration and advice on how to design job counseling settings for and with persons with learning disabilities. (German only)


This brochure provides an overview of various offers for the entry or re-entry into the job market for people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. (German only)


These guidelines provide an overview of the various elements that contribute to the feeling of security or insecurity in public space. (German only)