SEE U – Senior Explorers of Urban Environments

Ältere Menschen erkunden ihre Nachbarschaft mit digitalen Werkzeugen

Project role


The aim of the project is to train and empower older people to explore their neighbourhood with the help of digital tools. In low-threshold workshops, the participants jointly develop APP-based walks in their living environment. These walks are then tested together with other interested peers and made accessible for others free of charge.

The target group of the project are older women and men in the post-professional phase who would like to develop and offer free interactive web-based walks together with and for older people.


Partners in Austria, Slovenia and The Czech Republic develop a training concept and provide workshops with and for older people, who are interested in developing their individual web-based tours and explore their neighbourhoods with others. In addition to these digital tours, an Online Manual with instructions and materials for the creation of web-based tours especially for and with older people will be available. With the Handbook and (free) Webinars we will raise awareness for the issue, make the experiences gained in our project visible and provide inspiring examples of tours and tools.


SEE U involves partner organisations in five European countries: Letokruh, z.ú. (Czech Republic), Slovenian Third Age University (Slovenia), GERONTOLOGIE (Switzerland), AGE Platform Europe (Belgium) and queraum. cultural and social research (Austria, EU-coordination)

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