MOMA – Modern management in police detention: Safe & Healthy Prisons

Working areas
Project role


The MOMA project investigates the little-explored field of police detention centers and thus responds to a gap in security research.

The project generates practice-relevant and scientifically proven knowledge about the health and social situation of detainees and employees in police detention centers (PAZ). By focusing on the perspective of the detainees and those employed in PAZs, MOMA creates a foundation for a contemporary management of police detention centers, which can take into account the fundamental rights and integrity of the prisoners ("healthy prison" WHO) as well as of the employees. A further focus of the project is the training of the staff of police detention centers. The knowledge about the conditions and problems in police detention centers flows in the form of a competency profile into the training and education of the people working in PAZ. In addition, MOMA is developing solutions that can be used in problem situations in the professional daily life in police detention centers. A further objective of the project is the revision of the existing administrative records on the basis of a potential/deficit-assessment.


queraum is responsible for developing a competency profile that systematises the skills, skills and knowledge required by employees in PAZ to ensure the mental and physical health of the detainees.


Kompetenzzentrum für empirische Forschungsmethoden / WU Wien (Projektleitung; Ansprechperson: Katharina Miko-Schefzig), Institut für Rechts- und Kriminalsoziologie (IRKS) / Universität Wien