Youth health conferences Vienna

Project role


The Viennese Model of youth health conferences is a well-established and proven method of health promotion together with young people. The youth health conferences are implemented by the Institut für Frauen- und Männergesundheit (FEM) and queraum. cultural and social research.

The target group are socially vulnerable girls and boys between 12 and 19. The participative approach empowers them, strengthens their health literacy and raises awareness for the interrelation between their living environment and their wellbeing.

Indirectly, the project also addresses professionals working with young people (e. g. teachers, youth workers) and the stakeholders in the respective Viennese districts.


The young participants work in a longer process on their concepts of health and well-being. In this process, the are supported by the project teams and adults they are familiar with (e.g. teachers, youth workers).

The young people chose health-related topics that are relevant them, work on them according to their own interests and present the projects at a large conference.

Multiple and needs-oriented measures of support, capacity building and self-reflection help the young people to discover and mobilize their own resources and develop their capacities.