Rollout Jugendgesundheitskonferenz

Project role


The aim of the health promotion project "Rollout Jugendgesundheitskonferenz" is to enhance health literacy and wellbeing of socio-economically deprived adolescents, aged between 12 and 19. The project is put into practice in twelve Viennese districts.

Adolescents will be reached by the secondary target group – their teachers and youth workers from youth services and schools. The goal is to raise the young people's awareness for their own health issues, increasing their knowledge of good health practices and helping them to assess their own needs concerning health. In the communities where the events will be based, networks between schools and other youth facilities will be promoted and strengthened.


Adolescents from schools and youth facilities will be invited to present their ideas concerning "adolescent health" at an event called "Conference for Adolscents' Health". Together with teachers and youth workers, adolescents will develop their own ideas, which they will present at the conference.

Adolescents will be reached by their youth workers and teachers - people they are accustomed to. With their support, the adolescents will generate ideas on how to address health issues.

Supported by the project team of queraum. kultur- und sozialforschung and Frauengesundheitszentrum (FEM) youth workers and teachers will carry out workshops addressing the desired issues. At the conference, the results of the workshops will also be presented to the public. More extensive projects will be presented to regional policy-makers in order to get their support.

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