Unsere Projekte zum Thema Mobility and public space


Mobility and public space

For us, public space is at the same time built and social space. In our projects we advocate structural and social conditions that allow persons of all ages to use and participate in public space without barriers. Above all, public space is a space of movement. Thus, we strongly support the self-determined, health promoting and active mobility of all different target groups.

The aim of the project was to train and empower older people to explore their neighbourhood with the help of digital tools.


The project is about researching social spaces of New Middle Schools and communities in the 22nd district of Vienna. Students and professional researchers will investigate these questions jointly.


Together with partners from the field of open youth work, queraum carries out innovative and participatory projects with kids and young people in nine Viennese districts.


Social integration/inclusion remains one of the main challenges in schools. The project wants to generate knowledge that contributes to foster social cohesion and "successful inclusion" in schools.


The project asks how towns must be shaped, so that young people can enjoy an active urban mobility and move around affordably, independently, environmentally friendly and healthy.



The project has been set up to develop the programme “Active and healthy mobility management for Viennese Kindergartens and Schools”. queraum is responsible for the evaluation.


queraum and the women's health centre FEM carry out "Youth Health Conferences 2.0" and "City Challenges".


The aim of the project was to train and empower older people to explore their neighbourhood with the help of digital tools.


The project asks how towns must be shaped, so that young people can enjoy an active urban mobility and move around affordably, independently, environmentally friendly and healthy.



The project is about researching social spaces of New Middle Schools and communities in the 22nd district of Vienna. Students and professional researchers will investigate these questions jointly.


The project has been set up to develop the programme “Active and healthy mobility management for Viennese Kindergartens and Schools”. queraum is responsible for the evaluation.


Together with partners from the field of open youth work, queraum carries out innovative and participatory projects with kids and young people in nine Viennese districts.


queraum and the women's health centre FEM carry out "Youth Health Conferences 2.0" and "City Challenges".


Social integration/inclusion remains one of the main challenges in schools. The project wants to generate knowledge that contributes to foster social cohesion and "successful inclusion" in schools.