We have been working with children and young people in various settings and fields (e. g. health promotion, social and political participation, self-awareness or public space) for years. In our work, the participation and the needs of the young participants are our core values – even if these challenge our own thoughts and believes. By being open to other perspectives, we get an authentic insight into the living environments of young people.
Agnes Pissecker
Self image and media literacy
In our project "I am beautiful“, more than 30 young people worked on topics such as social media, bullying or body images. They reflected on how to handle those issues in a non-harmful and positive manner. This strengthens their media literacy and positive self images. The closing presentation in November was dedicated to the photos, videos and podcasts the participants had produced in the course of the project.
Download now: Gut genug und genau richtig.
The new booklet is one of the results of our project „I am good enough.“ dedicated to diverse body images of young people. The booklet provides insights into the project and supports the joint discussion and analysis of both adults (e.g. parents, teachers, youth workers) and young people about (media) body images and stereotypes.
Gut genug und genau richtig.
This booklet supports adults – parents, teachers, youth workers etc. – and young people in their joint analysis and discussion of (media) body images.
Wir bewegen was!
This publication is a result of the project „Wir bewegen was!“ (We move it!). In three Austrian cities, the project facilitated the dialogue between politics/administration and young people. Together, these stakeholders developed projects that inspire young inhabitants to be actively mobile.