The participation and co-design of the (social) environment together with our target groups is highly relevant to our work on volunteering, political participation, health promotion and inclusion. All our work processes (development, implementation, research, evaluation) are designed to be as participative as possible in order to make relevant and sustainable changes to the status quo.
Step-by-Step Guide for developing interactive walks
The manual provides a step-by-step guide for developing Actionbound tours. It can be used in trainings with older learners but also independently by tour developers.
SEE U: Older people discover the neighbourhood digitally
The SEE U Handbook summarises some of the experiences with the development and learning processes of older learners as well as some of the results of these processes – the walking tours. With examples and statements of the participants.
Lisa Hackl
Download now: Gut genug und genau richtig.
The new booklet is one of the results of our project „I am good enough.“ dedicated to diverse body images of young people. The booklet provides insights into the project and supports the joint discussion and analysis of both adults (e.g. parents, teachers, youth workers) and young people about (media) body images and stereotypes.
Study Inclusive Sustainability
The study aimed to gain insight into the social realities of vulnerable people with regard to their chances to lead a sustainable life. The recommendations developed in the study focus the political-societal level as well as the level of organizations/institutions.