

The comprehensive campaign aimed at promoting new images of older men and women in public.


queraum evaluated the project that supports children and young people in their responsible use of digital media.


The EU project "Meet the Need" was carried out by the Rotes Kreuz. queraum was responsible for the accompanying evaluation.


The project aimed to promote the health of the district's residents. queraum was responsible for the evaluation of the project.


The project aims at implementing health promotion as a cross sectoral topic in the government of the City of Graz as well as in other districts. queraum. cultural and social research is responsible for the evaluation of the project.


The project aims at developing and testing a training for staff and volunteers in the field of health and social care, enabling them to function as "coaches" for very old people. quorum is the project coordinator.


The project has been set up to develop the programme “Active and healthy mobility management for Viennese Kindergartens and Schools”. queraum is responsible for the evaluation.


The EU project is carried out by 12 organisations. They work together to build strong networks and develop national checkpoints dedicated to accessibility in adult education. queraum is the coordinator of the project.


In the project, new approaches to healthy ageing in the city are developed and tested. queraum accompanies the project with health promotion know-how.


This project aims to promote the psychosocial health of older (60+) refugees. queraum is responsible for the evaluation of the project.


Commissioned by the Fonds Soziales Wien, queraum carried out an evaluation of the project Agentur Sonnenklar / Drehscheibe Peerstreitschlichtung.


The new edition of this brochure aims at giving an overview of several offers to facilitate the new entry or re-entry into the job market for people with learning difficulties and/or disablilities.


The publication primarily aims at disabled women, who are informed and encouraged to go independent professional ways by reading interesting portraits about other disabled, professionally successful women and helpful service offers.


The project focused on the promotion of the mental health of young people by strengthening their competencies in health and new media.


The initiative "Auf gesunde Nachbarschaft!" of the Fonds Gesundes Österreich aims to raise awareness for the health promoting effects of functioning neighbourhoods and inspire people to set up projects in and for their neighbourhoods. queraum supports the FGÖ in the implementation of the initiative.


The project supports local structures to improve the health situation of families in rural as well as urban regions in the province of Lower Austria. queraum is responsible for the evaluation.


The project wants the strengthen masculinities that are based on gender equality and emancipation. Boys and young men between 13 and 18 have the possibility to reflect and develop their self-worth, empathy and social competencies. queraum is responsible for the evaluation.


In this Erasmus+ project older people are trained and empowered to co-create their neighbourhoods with the help of digital tools.


The “City Challenge“ and the “Youth Health Conference” are two types of activities for young people in the programme “Healthy Districts” of the Wiener Gesundheitsförderung.


In the project, cooking and eating together is seen as a method to build and strengthen social networks. queraum is responsible for the evaluation of the project.


queraum writes an extended corporate health report for the STGKK – this means that health data and staff perspectives on health issues are combined.


The partnership consists of 14 organisations from seven European countries and aims to transfer new developments in "Person Centred Planning" from the UK to the other participating countries. Furthermore, joint European quality critia are developed, an inclusive vocational training curriculum is prepared and piloted and national platforms to promote a sustainable implementation and dissemination of project results are set up. queraum. cultural and social research is responsible for the European coordination of the project.


Access to cultural goods is basically needed for identification with social groups and communities and, therefore, is a requirement for social integration. Regarding this, the EU-project “Museum Sign Language Guide” aimed at making museum information and exhibitions more accessible for deaf and hard of hearing people by developing museum guides for deaf people in three pilot-museums.

To achieve these objectives, experts in the field of technology (NOUS, numCAD) and sign language (Equalizent GmbH, Racio Ltd.) work together. The project was funded within the European Programme „Lifelong Learning – Grundtvig“. queraum. cultural and social research was the European coordinator.


queraum is responsible for the European coordination of the project "Senior-Guides". The project aims at developing, implementing and disseminating a Curriculum for the training of older volunteers to realize guided tours for senior citizens and inform them about target group oriented offers provided in their living environment.



The project aims to facilitate access to literature for deaf people by translating world literature into Sign Language. In the course of the project our partners in Austria, Germany, Hungary and Slovenia translate a set of literary works and texts into the respective national sign language.

The sign language books are available on the barrier-free Online „S¡GN LiBRARY!“, where users can "read" the sign language books as videos online or download them for free. queraum. cultural and social research is responsible for the European coordination of the project, which is funded within the European Programme "Lifelong Learning – Grundtvig".


The quality of the transition from school to work and the successful intervention by professionals can be regarded as crucial for the further labour market performance of young persons with a disability. Austria, as the promoting country, already provides a counselling service for young persons with a disability – called Clearing – since 2000. The "TRA¡NSITION!" partnership aimes at transferring the European model of good practice Clearing to the partner countries Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia and Czech Republic. queraum. cultural- and social research is the European coordinator of the project.


The project aims to enhance the health resources of socially disadvantaged fathers. queraum is responsible for the evaluation.


queraum was commissioned by the Fonds Soziales Wien to evaluate the situation of digital inclusion of persons with disabilities in their day centres and housing facilities.


The project aims to improve the health literacy of young refugees and to promote the exchange between young Austrians and young asylum seekers in Styria. queraum is responsible for the evaluation.


This EU project brought together older people from four cities, celebrated age and ageing in the public space, cultivating good neighbourhoods and contributions across generations.


The project targets unemployed or job-seeking (migrant) women and men in adult education. The participants will be supported to improve their health literacy. queraum carries out the evaluation.


Miscarriages are still a taboo in our society. Interviews with women concerned will be used to create an awareness campaign on the issue.


The project team – consisting of researchers and experts with and without disabilities – will find out if women with disabilities who have experienced violence have equal access to support services. Furthermore the cooperation and communication between women's counselling services, women's shelters and service providers for persons with disabilities will be improved.


ESES aims at designing the competence requirements for Supported Employment Specialists (SESs) working with disabled jobseekers, and therefore at setting a benchmark with regard to several aspects of the profession.


The project "AccesSchool" was launched within the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission and aimed at assessing the educational and structural accessibility of schools with different experience in the field of "inclusive education". queraum. cultural and social research was responsible for the implementation in Austria.


The "i2i" project was promoted within the framework of the Second Transnational Exchange Programme of the European Commission, 2006–2007 (General direction, social matters and equal opportunities) and is carried out from September 2005 to September 2007. The implementation and general coordination are carried out by the State Chancellery of Hessen. The city council of Graz (Seniors’ Office Graz) and queraum. cultural and social research are responsible for the implementation of the project in Austria.


"SenEmpower" was promoted within the framework of the Education Programme for Lifelong Learning of the European Commission, 2007–2013. Volkshilfe Styria, the city council of Graz (Seniors’ Office Graz) and queraum are responsible for the project implementation in Austria.


queraum and prospect carry out the evaluation of the pilot project "AUVAfit". The AUVA supports companies in improving the work and work places and promoting the health of their employees.


The overall aim of the project is to implement activities that promote the health situation of employees and students. queraum is responsible for the evaluation of the project.


In the project, experts were trained to act as trainers for health professionals. The aim was to raise awareness for the issue in hospital and improve the quality of care for victims.


The project aims at promoting the health situation of pregnant women and mothers of little children in two communities of Styria. queraum is responsible for the evaluation of the project.


The Viennese municipality department MA 28 runs a workplace health promotion programme. queraum supports the internal project team systematically during the implementation.


The project aims at creating new perspectives for the area of health and social affairs by supporting the employees to maintain their ability of employment. queraum is responsible for the evaluation of the project.


"Improve - Quality in Competition & Social and Job Market Policy Services" was initiated to contribute to an efficient social economy. queraum is responsible for the evaluation of the project.


"Allever – Alone but strong–well connected even stronger" targets single parent families. The projects aims to enhance the families' social networks and their quality of life. queraum is responsible for the evaluation of the project.


This project aims at founding a base for health promotion in the archeological field. queraum and prospect Consulting are responsible for the evaluation of the project.


"Durchblick" aims at improving the health literacy of older women, female migrants and women with chronic health problems. queraum is responsible for the evaluation of the project.


This project aimes at reaching young people through different health promotion activities. queraum is responsible for the evaluation of the project.


The "Mentoring programme for kids with parents with mental health problems" aims at training mentors for children of families affected by mental health issues. queraum is responsible for the evaluation of the project.


This project aims at reaching people with obesity through different health promotion activities. queraum is responsible for the evaluation of the project.


"Verrückte Kindheiten" – "Crazy Childhood" aims at strengthening the individual resources of children, adolescents and young adults, who have a parent with a mental illness. cultural and social research is responsible for the evaluation of the project.


The Akademie für Fortbildungen und Sonderausbildungen/Bereich Pflege (Academy for advanced training and special education/nursing division) has been offering vocational training in nursing since 1991. Within the framework of the project on continuous development of the specialised training in nursing in "basic training in intensive care, pediatric intensive care, anesthesia care and renal replacement therapy and in additional training in intensive care“ (INAK) a new curriculum was developed to meet the legal requirements. queraum. cultural and social research is responsible for the evaluation of the project.


The "Being healthy" trainings target people with learning disabilities and aim at supporting them to improve their health literacy. queraum is responsible for the evaluation of the provisions.


“Manifold & Healthy: Women in the Viennese Hospitals’ Association“ aims at realising a gender- and culture-sensitive workplace health promotion especially for low-skilled workers in selected care homes, geriatrics centers and hospitals. queraum is responsible for the external evaluation.


The project empowered girls and boys to move more as part of a healthy lifestyle. queraum was responsible for the project evaluation.


The project supports young people to come to a healthy lifestyle that includes sports and exercise. queraum is responsible for the evaluation.


„Free bleeding“ wants to improve the availability of menstrual products for young women at schools. queraum is responsible for the evaluation of the project.


In the development of quality standards for gender awareness in the prevention of sexual violence against young people queraum was responsible for the evaluation.


The project supports girls from a migrant background or from socially disadvantaged families. queraum s responsible for the process as well as the summative evaluation.


The aim of this project is to expand the range of services for families at risk of exclusion. queraum is responsible for the project evaluation.


The project aims at families with a parent suffering from mental health problems. To give the children of these families the chance to grow up healthy and develop positively, they are supported by mentors. queraum evaluates the project.


Commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, the Guidelines “Mobility in old age” will support the creation of an elderly-friendly environment in order to make the public areas easily accessible for older people and people with restricted mobility. queraum is responsible for the development of the publication and considers the inclusion of the perspectives of experts and older people as extremely important.


The project wants to make organisations of open youth work commit themselves to the concept of "Health literate open youth work“. queraum is responsible for the evaluation.


The health promotion project "Gesunde Leopoldstadt" is part of the "Gesunde Bezirke" initiative, which is financed by the Wiener Gesundheitsförderung. It aims at enabling different stakeholders in the second district in Vienna to exchange information regarding health promotion topics, promoting innovation and raise awareness for the health issue in public. queraum. cultural and social research is responsible for the implementation of the project.


The project's target groups are retired men and women between 60 and 75 years. queraum is responsible for the external health promotion support of the project.


Together with partners from the field of open youth work, queraum carries out innovative and participatory projects with kids and young people in nine Viennese districts.


The health promotion project aims at making the parks of Vienna a healthy environment for children and young people. queraum is responsible for coordination and management.


Young participants are inspired and supported to find their own creative approach to the issue of body/images and to express themselves in their own media works.


The project aims to ban body shaming, discrimination and negative body images from settings relevant to young people


The project – a cooperation of queraum and the Wiener Gesundheitsförderung – aims to reduce negative body images, body shaming and discrimination of young people between 10 and 12.


The Institut für Frauen- und Männergesundheit implements „FEM Med – Info-Point und Drehscheibe für Frauengesundheit“., a women's health project. queraum was commissioned with the evaluation.


Since 2015, Regional Networks on Early Prevention are being established and further developed in all regions. In the current project phase, the evaluation by queraum focuses on quality standards.


Commissioned by the AMS, queraum prepares an overview of good practice examples for the inclusion of persons with mental health problems on the first labour market.


This study aimed to obtain insights into the life situation and support needs of older and old persons with learning disabilities and specific needs in order to improve their participation and quality of life.


This participative, inclusive research project will contribute to a better inclusion of people with disabilities and a more comprehensive and diverse understanding of Caring Communities.


The aim of this research project was to find out how companies (may) succeed in becoming (more) inclusive and reaching groups of people that are currently excluded from the labour market.


Social integration/inclusion remains one of the main challenges in schools. The project wants to generate knowledge that contributes to foster social cohesion and "successful inclusion" in schools.


The project is about researching social spaces of New Middle Schools and communities in the 22nd district of Vienna. Students and professional researchers will investigate these questions jointly.


The study aimed to shed light on the opportunities of vulnerable people for a ecologically sustainable lifestyle. It was planned and carried out together with the inclusive research group Human Rights.


In the programme 2030 the Fonds Soziales Wien outlines its long-term strategy regarding provisions for people with disabilities. queraum supports the FSW team in the programme development with expertise in participation (of people with disabilities).


The „Initiative Healthy Apprentice 2.0“ aimed at developing and strengthening the health resources of apprentices. queraum was commissioned with the project evaluation.


The innovation project "BarriereCheckpoint" is dedicated to the development of a major platform for organisations and companies interested in accessibility and equality issues regarding persons with a disability.


The services provided by Interface Wien are a promising field of intervention regarding health literacy among migrants in Vienna. queraum supports the project with health promotion expertise.


The EU project wants to support health and social service providers in residential and/or community settings as well as citizens' initiatives to see and include the talents of older people into their work.


queraum and the women's health centre FEM carry out "Youth Health Conferences 2.0" and "City Challenges".


The new information material will support younger and older job seekers with learning disabilities and their families in finding adequate jobs and/or training positions on the open labour market.


The project opens up dance to older learners and contributes to new images of age and ageing.


The project was dedicated to the development of young people’s political competences and to the improvement of participation opportunities in the 22nd district of Vienna.


The project aims to empower young people ("peer experts") to use new media savely and responsibly and to share their media competencies with their peers. queraum is responsible for the evaluation.


"How to plan and carry out projects: Older people as 'new volunteers'" encourages seniors to work as volunteers in a self-defined, project-based manner. queraum is responsible for the manual's revision in form and content and the following dissemination activities.


The aim of the project is to establish mentoring for children in elementary schools. The evaluation team assesses the process quality, output and outcomes of the project.


queraum supported the further development of the project by researching into a previous project of the initiator.


The overall objective of the project Mobility Scouts is to involve older men and women in decision-making processes and enable and empower them to contribute to the creation of age-friendly environments and services as co-producers. The Mobility Scouts concept was piloted as an EU project with several partners. In 2019, the project is again carried out in Vienna.


The project investigates the police detention centers. queraum is responsible for developing a competency profile that systematises the skills and knowledge required by employees in such centers to ensure the mental and physical health of the detainees.


The City of Vienna develops a website that brings together demand and supply in musical education. queraum facilitated some workshops in this process.


The project aimed to integrate the combination of health literacy and sustainability into the field of open youth work in Austria.


The study "Participative Safety Research within Academic Education and Training in Austria" was commissioned by the Austrian Association for Research Funding (FFG) and the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) and combines empirical findings concerning subjective safety with the implementation of these outputs into the police training.

queraum. kultur- und sozialforschung and the project partners of the Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Competence Centre for empirical research methods of the University of Economics in Vienna, the Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology and also the Applied University of Wiener Neustadt are responsible for the implementation of this study.


The project allows young people to be part of democratic processes in the 22nd district of Vienna.


queraum was commissioned by the Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS) to conduct an empirical study which provides the data and knowledge base for the design of future employment information material catering to the needs of people with intellectual disabilities. A reference group of twelve self-advocates with intellectual disabilities accompanied and advised all main research phases such as planning, fieldwork and the analysis of the results. The study (in German) can be obtained through the AMS Research Network.


The project was initiated by the Vienna MA18 (Urban development and urban planning). It was dedicated to find out how urban planning can cope with perceptions of insecurity in urban space. Based on new and existing data, recommendations to optimize urban planning processes were be developed. The project also aimed at improving the interdisciplinary exchange between various relevant fields (security research, community work, urban development...).


The project "Police and the Public: Teaching – Intensification – Security" was commissioned by The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) and aims at the development of customized solution- and competence strategies for security related problems at seven different places in Austria. queraum. cultural and social research and the project partners – the Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Competence Centre for empirical research methods of the University of Economics in Vienna and the Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology – are responsible for the implementation of this project.


Social Prescribing offers the possibility to focus the psychosocial needs and health of patients. queraum has been commissioned with an evaluation of parts of the project "Preparation and implementation – Model regions Social Prescribing".


queraum supports the initiators of small local health promotion projects to develop their ideas, reflect on the potential of their projects and to apply for funding.


The goal of the Regional Networks on Early Prevention is to support families expecting children or with young children in crisis situations. queraum is responsible for the evaluation.


The Competence centre for the future of health promotion develops a road map for the promotion of mental health of young people. queraum was responsible for the participation of young people in the development of the road map.



The aim of the health promotion project "Rollout Jugendgesundheitskonferenz", which is initiated by the Wiener Gesundheitsförderung, is to enhance health literacy and wellbeing of socioeconomically deprived adolescents, aged between 12 and 19. The project is put into practice in twelve Viennese districts. Adolescents from schools and youth facilities will be invited to present their ideas concerning „adolescents' health“ at an event called „Conference for Adolescent Health“. queraum. kultur- und sozialforschung will implement the projects together with the Frauengesundheitszentrum FEM (women’s health center) and will support the youth facilities and schools in the development and presentation of their ideas at the event.


This gender and culture sensitive health promotion programme targeting persons with adiposity is evaluated by queraum.


The project supports children of persons with mental health problems and their families in Vienna. In addition, the project addresses persons and institutions that are in contact with these target groups. queraum evaluates the "Safe basis“.


The project wanted to raise awareness for the importance of Child Safeguarding Policies (CSGP) and to set standards that are followed by the administration and/or institutions for children and young people. queraum was responsible for the evaluation.


The sport projects "Schneetiger" and "kick mit" target children and young people with and without disabilities and migrant girls. queraum supports the projects in their measurement of efficiency.


The project aims to improve health care for and health literacy of persons with disabilities. queraum is responsible for the evaluation of the project.


The aim of the project was to train and empower older people to explore their neighbourhood with the help of digital tools.


The project is based on the experiences made in the EU project "Senior-Guides". Older volunteers will be trained and supported to develop "information tours" targeting peers that are interested in the possibilities and services provided in the Viennese district Leopoldstadt. The focus of these tours will be on the issue of health promotion. queraum is responsible for the implementation of the project.


The Graz University of Technology has implemented the service department GESTU für students with hearing impairments. queraum has been commissioned with the evaluation to contribute to the quality assurance and further development of the department.


Due to the demographic change and the aging of society, the police and other security actors are confronted with new challenges in public space within the next years. On the basis of the collected data, the SI:ALT project team will develop products for a valuable contribution to the prevention and communication activities and the behaviour of police officers towards old and very old people.


The project worked with family systems of children and young people affected by (or at risk) of trauma sequelae. queraum carried out the external project evaluation.


The project wants to promote constructive communication about climate change and sustainability with and among older people.


The project was dedicated to implementing long-term and sustainable measures of violence prevention in residential care homes. queraum was responsible for the evaluation of the project.


The project TOPOS is promoted within the Security Research Funding KIRAS by the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology. This projects aims at the development of an app for the city of Wels (Upper Austria), which records on the spot the subjectively perceived feeling of (in)-security of the users in public areas. The project TOPOS is coordinated by the Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology and implemented together with the police command of Wels and SYNE Marketing & Consulting GmbH. queraum. cultural and social research is responsible for the ethical monitoring.


The "Trialog" aims to strengthen health and climate competence of young people, youth workers and municipalities with specific methods. queraum works on the planning and implementation of the sets of methods.


The project focuses girls and young women between 12 and 18 in Vienna. Workshops that strengthen alternative concepts of femininity are organized in various youth and girls’ centres. queraum is responsible for the evaluation.


The project supports children of persons with mental health problems. queraum is responsible for process and summative evaluation.


This is the first representative Austrian study of disabled persons' experiences of violence. The research results will contribute to violence prevention and the support of persons affected by violence.


The project asks how towns must be shaped, so that young people can enjoy an active urban mobility and move around affordably, independently, environmentally friendly and healthy.



The aim of this participative research project is to find out about the effects of the personal assistance and support provided by LOK – from the view of both clients and staff of LOK.


The Wiener Stadtwerke Group runs a pilot project on workplace health promotion for staff in selected subsidiaries. queraum has been commissioned with the evaluation of the project.


The Viennese Model of youth health conferences is a proven method of health promotion together with young people. The conferences are implemented by the Institut für Frauen- und Männergesundheit and queraum.


The project "VoluntLearning Pro", which is funded within the European Programme "Lifelong Learning – Grundtvig", aims at the organisation of a transnational partnership with study visits in Germany, Austria, the German-speaking community of Belgium an the Netherlands. The study visits focus on the bilateral exchange regarding voluntary work and active citizenship. The private research organisation queraum. cultural and social research is as Austrian project partner – together with the Wiener Hilfswerk as a cooperation partner – responsible for the design, the coordination and the implementation of the study visits.